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BHARP Board Meeting

June 6, 2024

301 Science Park Rd., State College, PA


  • Welcome and Introduction
  • New Business/Additional Items
  • Public Comments
  • Announcements
    • Next Regional County Board Meeting will be held August 1st in the Northern Tier Region (Wellsboro)
    • Signing in when entering the BHARP Office
    • BHARP Retreat, June 18th – June 20th
  • Old Business
  • Board Meeting Minutes, May 2, 2024*
  • Operations Update
    • Fiscal
      • 2024 March Financial Statements*
      • PY 2023 Excess Funds*
      • Health Choices Examination and Financial Statement Audit*
      • Reinsurance
      • Family Navigator Contract*
    • Board of Directors, Goals & Objectives
    • IT Update
    • Network
    • Quality
    • Compliance


* Voting items

**Lunch provided at Noon

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